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購買進口儀器、試劑和耗材——就在始于2001年的畢特博生物 effectnews.cn |
據(jù)《男科期刊》(Journal of Andrology)上發(fā)表的一份報告稱,美國和全世界的研究人員發(fā)現(xiàn),手機發(fā)射的無線電電磁輻射或男性減少精子數(shù)量、降低精子質(zhì)量。 盡管該結(jié)論尚不確定,但研究人員對數(shù)項人類和動物精子的研究進行了關(guān)注。對人類精子狀況研究分為兩種情況:一種是將身體健康、不抽煙的志愿者的精子暴露在實驗室中的無線電電磁輻射下;另一種是將那些經(jīng)常在褲子前兜放置手機和不放置手機的志愿者精子進行對比。 結(jié)果顯示,暴露在無線電電磁輻射下的精子濃度、游動性、形態(tài)和存活率下降;褲子前兜放置手機的志愿者精子濃度較不放置手機的志愿者精子濃度減少。 在針對動物的研究中,研究人員將白鼠放在有機玻璃籠中,手機距離籠底僅0.2英寸。白鼠每天接受6個小時的手機輻射。4個多月后,研究人員發(fā)現(xiàn)白鼠精子存活率下降25%,且有抱合趨勢,降低卵子的受精機會。 加州大學(xué)伯克利分校公眾健康系家庭與社區(qū)衛(wèi)生中心主管喬爾·莫斯克維茨(Joel Moskowitz)博士向CNET表示,這是一個非常復(fù)雜的課題,還需要進一步研究。 例如,目前尚不清楚是哪類手機服務(wù)如GSM、還是CDMA會產(chǎn)生負面影響。他說:“做的研究越多,得出的結(jié)論就越確定,就能夠給消費者一個明確選擇,選擇對人類生殖器影響更小些的手機或手機服務(wù)。” 目前尚不清楚無線電電磁輻射如何影響精子,但有一種理論認為,當手機長期放在褲子前兜時,產(chǎn)生的熱量會毀滅精子,精子的保存溫度較正常體溫低4度。還有一種觀點認為,手機發(fā)射的電磁輻射能夠穿透組織、干涉身體自身的電磁頻率,導(dǎo)致精子異常。 莫斯克維茨說:“兒童、青少年和年輕的成年人,尤其是孕婦需要注意,避免手機離生殖器過近,讓手機遠離頭部。這些部位對手機輻射很敏感。也為那些喜歡將手機放在褲子前兜的用戶提個醒。”
doi: Effects of the Exposure to Mobile Phones on Male Reproduction: A Review of the Literature. La Vignera S, Condorelli RA, Vicari E, D'Agata R, Calogero AE. The use of mobile phones is now widespread. A great debate is going on about the possible damage that the radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation (RF-EMR) emitted by mobile phones exerts on different organs and apparatuses. Aim of this article was to review the existing literature exploring the effects of RF-EMR on the male reproductive function in experimental animals and human beings. Studies on the experimental animals have been conducted in rats, mice, and rabbits using a similar design based upon mobile phone radiofrequency exposure for a variable length of time. Altogether the results of these studies show that RF-EMR decreases sperm count and motility, and increases the oxidative stress. In human beings, two different experimental approaches have been followed, one has explored the effects of RF-EMR directly on spermatozoa and the other has evaluated the sperm parameters in men using or not mobile phones. The results show that human spermatozoa exposed to RF-EMR have decreased motility, morphometric abnormalities, and increased oxidative stress, whereas men using mobile phones have decreased sperm concentration, motility (particularly the rapid progressive one), normal morphology, and viability. These abnormalities seem to be directly related with the length of mobile phone use. |
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